Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Flower Girl

My sweet "little orchid" was in a wedding this past weekend. It was her first time to be a flower girl. It wasn't a typical wedding someone from a Western country might think of. Although there were a few things that were similar there were more things that were out of the ordinary. The father walked the bride down the aisle which was a dirt street covered with a red carpet and shoulder to shoulder people pushing their way to see. As the bride, father of the bride and the two flower girls walked down the "aisle" people sprayed silly string and threw confetti. I guess this is like our tradition of throwing rice, or now a days, bird seed or bubbles. The ceremony took place inside the courtyard of the groom's house where people just crowded in so they could see.

Though my daughter was born in China and has been "popular" since the first time we took her outside you can see her personality shining through in the above picture. When lots of people she doesn't know are around she turns inward and internalizes everything. She doesn't talk (even very little to mom & dad), clings to mom or dad (in the picture she is staying very close to her friend) and never smiles. Looking at her I thought she was very scared and about to cry. I didn't think she was enjoying the experience. But I guess I was wrong...

When we left I talked to her and asked her what she thought about the wedding. She told me that she had a great time! She loved walking down the aisle and having people throw stuff at her. I never would have thought looking at that face.


knitwit said...

She is a lot like you. You both are hard to read. Sometimes when I have been around you in the past, I would think, she is not having a good time. But then later you will say how great of a time you had.

Valerie W said...

Both of the photos posted here are fantastic! Especially the last one.
Oh and I agree with Nate. You can be hard to read but I think that's why I like you. The more I get to know you the more I can catch the subtlety. My super extroverted-y-ness likes figuring you out! :-)